SHORT-TERM, FULL TIME NANNY: 1 newborn in Forest Hills, Queens!


Calling all newborn nannies! This lovely new SmartFamily is looking for a short term nanny with newborn experience to care for their baby boy, who will be 3 months when the nanny starts with him. You absolutely love all the baby things! Because their baby is so little, proof of Covid vaccination and boosters, this year's flu shot, and updated TDAP vaccination are all required. You also need to be updated on your CPR certification, as with any other Smart Sitting referral. This is a short-term commitment starting around the second week in April through the end of May. $33 to $35/hour gross and the family is happy to offer 34 hours/week.

The Ideal Sitter for this Job

You have experience working professionally with a 3 month old baby (since he'll be that old when you start)! Newborn experience in at least one long-term nanny role is required to be considered for this position. Otherwise, you really love working with infants this age too. Tummy time, reading stories and singing songs together is your jam! You're patient, loving, and warm.


Monday through Thursday 8:30 AM to 5 PM

About the Children

Boy, 2 months: Sweet little guy! Not a big crier unless he needs something. They're still working on a sleep schedule for him. Family has twin 4 year olds as well, but you won’t be caring for them. They are in full day pre-K and come home around 5. If home sick, Mom would care for them.


All the baby things! In addition to meeting all of baby's needs in terms of feedings, naps, diapers, and playtime, you'll also need to take care of baby related household tasks. These may include bottle sanitizing, tidying his things, and baby laundry. For a week in May, they have a family event and will be going out of town, and may need reduced hours or one less day or two than the typical schedule, but this will be limited to this one trip.

Additional Information

Newborn experience in at least one long-term nanny role is required to be considered for this position. Additionally, proof of Covid vaccination and boosters, this year's flu shot, and updated TDAP vaccination are all required. You'll also need to show an in-person CPR certification, as with any other Smart Sitting referral, and have been updated in the past 2 years.

  • Rate

    $33 to $35/hour gross ($1122 to $1190 gross/week for 34 hours/week) plus 1 Sick Day and a partial to full travel reimbursement TBD.


    This is a short-term commitment from the second week in April through the end of May.

    Total Hours per Week
